--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal"
<l.shad...@...> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> >
> > As far as I am aware, the pictures have been removed from the bottles.
> >
> Quite right.  Pay attention, people.  How many times do I have to repeat
> this?  Maharishi made ammendments to the Constitution of the
Universe.  The
> TMO is to become not a religion, mainstream (anybody wonder WHY DOJ
> decided to become an independent defender of the faith?), and
palatable to
> the larger public.  MAPI products will slowly undergo more iterations of
> starting to look like Crest toothpaste so's the products can sell
next to
> the vitamin display of your local pharmacy/chemist shop.
MAPI products are nowhere close to having the brand name and volume to
warrant pharmacy placement, they're not even in most health food
stores.  You're living in dream land reg. retail business.

Does DOJ refer to orme johnson?  He didn't decide to become
independent, he was kicked out of MUM due to improper advances on a
student (which he sadly blames on "unstressing"), and is trying to
keep himself busy I guess.

> Now as far as Triguna needing money from Maharishi.  Last time I looked,
> Triguna-ji valued his world wide practice at about USD 2 Million.
When I first visited triguna's practice in 1980 when he teamed up with
MMY, it was not valued at $2 million, it was not valued at 2 million
rupees.  It grew in value due to his partnership with the guru with
the marketing IN in US, which was the whole pt.  PAY attention, grow
up and shake hands with the real world.  Why has triguna dumped the
declining tmo and switched to up and coming shri shri ravi shakar now?
 Couldn't have anything to do with marketing?

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