Edg, Obama picks people with whom he agrees. He doesn't pick a tabula
rasa on which to write his policy, that would mean starting from
scratch, an impossible task given the breadth of issues he has to deal
with. Recently, everyone in town was having a fit over Vilsack's
appointment to Secretary of Agriculture because he doesn't appeal to
the organic purists. All their wailing and gnashing of teeth on carrot
sticks, didn't help, Vilsack rules.

Yes, the buck stops with Obama, but make no mistake about it, whoever
Obama chooses for his administration is a clear indication of the
policies he wants to implement. If Obama wanted to indicate his
support for public schools he would have picked such an advocate and
not someone like Duncan who will probably repackage Bush's "No Child
Left Behind" but with Obama's stamp of approval on it. Forewarned is

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm cutting Obama a break on whomever he appoints to work UNDER HIM.
> To me, Obama is a true leader -- if he's putting someone in power,
> he's got them on a leash, and they're expected to heel on command.  I
> don't think that any of these underlings are going to run rampant with
> their own agendas and not be choke-chained to a halt by Obama the
> Force Whisperer.  He's constructing a psychic force under him, and so
> far he's using it like Bruce Lee with numchucks if you ask me.
> The buck stops at Obama's desk, and he'll take it personally if one of
> his minions gets (dare I use the word?) uppity. 
> I think he's as if training seeing-eye dogs.  They're dogs!!! but
> they're trainable.  Hell, if he hired Karl Rove, I'd be happy, cuz
> then Rove would be fired when he went off the reservation.  I'm
> waiting for Obama to do this to someone.  He's playing with fire in
> some of his appointments -- not the least of which is Hillery and Bill
> -- but I think he's micro-managing enough to have a hands-on feel for
> the government. 
> Woe to any who would try to skew his vision.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Obama's pick for Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, disappoints
> > progressives & Bill Ayers but for different reasons. Obama disappoints
> > progressives because Duncan is interested in privatization of schools
> > rather than tackling the social issues creating the "achievement gap"
> > in America. read more http://tinyurl.com/c4eyts Duncan's pick
> > disappoints Bill Ayers because he wanted Linda Darling-Hammond, race
> > theorist, anti-union and small schools advocate who with Ayers has
> > been pushing for a slavery reparations policy in education, called
> > "repayment of the education debt owed to people of color."  read more
> > http://tinyurl.com/aeak5t
> >

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