--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:

> A number of the things I'd previously described simply cannot be 
> done (as they were done in the dream) in the waking state, but 
> they almost always will have some waking or meditative state 
> counterpart that I had to realize or "flash" to. Occasionally I 
> would tap into strata that I was not ready to integrate across 
> states, despite being elaborate teachings which were clearly 
> relevant, taught important practical lessons, meditative states 
> etc. and the being that revealed them would simply collapse them 
> to a point and reintroduce them into my (subconscious) mindstream. 
> As linear events unfold, I can sense that enfolded mandala 
> providing datum that teaches along a sequence of unfolding 
> waking time (if that makes sense).

It does make sense, because I once tried to write
a story about one of these "doesn't map" dreams.
In the dream, I showed up at one of Rama's "dream
seminars" mentioned earlier. However, this happened
during a period of time when I was no longer one of
his students, so I found it interesting, to say the
least. What reminded me of it was your image of 
"collapsing the knowledge into a point" and storing 
it somewhere in your mind, conscious or subconscious.
Here's the story, written as I saw it at the time, 
with all of the emotionality of the time. I doubt 
that I would express it the same way now. 


> Another thing I realized was that sometimes the teaching may 
> not have any value outside the dream or trance state other 
> than to introduce to the mind the possibility that a certain 
> thing, state of consciousness, type of practice is possible. 

I fully agree.

> Not only does it have the advantage of expanding the realm of 
> possibilities of what the mind can conceive, but also expanding 
> the possibility of what it can believe. 

Exactly. This applies to experience of witnessing
the siddhis being performed as well.

> Once it establishes the possibility of belief, the  
> possibility of that thing actually occurring, it automatically  
> removes an impediment to those things occurring. 


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