--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> If you read MMY's Bhagavad Gita Appendix on Yoga you will find this
> comment, quote:  "With the continuous practice of all these limbs, 
> means, simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows simultaneously in all
> the eight spheres of life...." MMY HB pg363
> Notice he uses the term *means*, this is very significant as he is
> suggesting here that each limb is a method in and of itself (as
> recommended by Maharishi Patanjali) to gain the state of Yoga.

I always thought that he meant that, yes, practise of any of the 8 
limbs leads to enlightenment but the 8th limb -- samadhi -- is the 
one to go to first.  And by practising TM, you get the benefit of 
simultaneous practise of all 8 limbs.

Now, whether that prescription works or not, I cannot say because I 
am neither yet enlightened nor a Vedic scholar.

But it does make sense to me, that capturing the fort first thing.

You know, I practise hatha yoga (more than just the set we're taught 
as part of the TM rounding program).  To do JUST hatha yoga, for me, 
would not be a very effective way to go to enlightenment.  But I 
cannot imagine NOT doing it. I think it's value is to smooth out the 
stress release (the karma-burning) that is the result of the TM 

But there are people I run into that wholeheartedly believe that 
hatha yoga is a path unto itself. Well, who am I to tell them it 
isn't?  But it isn't for me.

> I think this proves that TM, as taught today, is *Yoga-lite for
> modernity*, in spite of his later remarks where he sugar-coated, 
> what he was teaching, saying only samyama or TM was necessary.
> I think MMY kind of felt the ends justified the means, and teaching 
> little Yoga in a simple manner would be more popular than teaching 
> complete Yoga as defined by Maharishi Patanjali. Unfortunately, this
> adulterated Patanjali's  teachings and left them somewhat diminished
> in their effectiveness. 
> Perhaps MMY thought he could incorporate the other important limbs 
> means) later when people would be more receptive.......who knows?

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