--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> 
> On Feb 25, 2009, at 4:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > Note also what constitutes "psychotic-like symptoms"
> > for these researchers -- "suspiciousness and percep-
> > tual disturbances." Given those criteria, Nabby and
> > Judy are psychotic, because they are definitely
> > suspicious of pretty much everyone and they talk
> > about rather disturbing perceptions like believing
> > in UFOs.
> And don't forget the little green men
> romping in cornfields in order to create
> works of art.

The little green men may apply to Nabby, but not
to me, as Stupid Sal knows (unless she's smoking
dope and her memory isn't working properly).

*Everybody*, of course, "believes in UFOs." Unless
they're foolish enough to think that every single
flying object can be conclusively identified.

Well, maybe Sal thinks that...

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