--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm curious why anyone thinks a complaint about
> > presidential policy is somehow rebutted by citing
> > approval polls--especially when the complaint
> > alleges that the powers-that-be have succeeded in
> > turning the public into zombies.
> 'Bama loves me! This I know,
> For the Polls they tell me so;
> Electoral votes to Him belong,
> Shafted Hillary, done her wrong.
> Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> The Polls tell me so.
> 'Bama loves me! Money fried,
> Maw of bankers open wide;
> Washed away my savings in
> Stocks gone bad and wallet thin.
> Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> The Polls tell me so.
> 'Bama loves me! loves me still,
> Loosing money felling ill;
> From His shining throne on high,
> There he watches empires die.
> Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> The Polls tell me so.
> 'Bama loves me! He will stay,
> In the Whitehouse all the way;
> He's prepared a home for me,
> Tar paper shack and pot to pee.
> Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> The Polls tell me so.

The small, impotent dead-ender group of loser fringe Hillarizoids have
a lot in common with Rush Limbaugh and the remnants of the loony
fringe conservatives:

Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (VIDEO)

"The crowd, watching in three individual 
ballrooms because of overcrowding, went 
absolutely wild."

---At his closing speech at the CPAC conference, conservative talk
radio host Rush Limbaugh doubled down on his widely-controversial
claim that he wanted President Barack Obama to fail, insisting that he
meant what he said, and chastising those who were critical of him.

"This notion that I want the president to fail, this shows you the
problem we've got. This is nothing more than common sense and to not
be able to say it? Why in the world would I want what we just
described: rampant government growth, welfare that is not being
created yet is being spent? What is in this, what is possibly in this
that any of us want to succeed? 

Did the Democrats want the war of Iraq to fail? They certainly did.
And they not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail they proclaimed it a
failure.... They hoped George Bush failed. 

So what is so strange about being honest and saying I want Barack
Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country
so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation?"

The crowd, watching in three individual ballrooms because of
overcrowding, went absolutely wild.

"I know what's going on. We are in the aspects here of a historic
presidency, I know that. But let me be honest again, I got over the
historical aspects of that in November. 

President Obama is our president. President Obama stands for some
things. He could be a Martian. He could be from Michigan. I don't
care. It doesn't matter to me what his race is. It doesn't matter. He
is liberal. That's what matters to me.... I want the country to
survive. I want the country to succeed."

Limbaugh, whose speech went on more than an hour than what was
planned, didn't end there.

"Ladies and gentleman of the United States, the Democrat Party has
actively not just sought the failure of Republican presidents, and
policies, and now war for the first time. 

The Democrat party does not stop at failure. Talk to judge Robert
Bork, talk to justice Clarence Thomas about how they try to destroy
lives, reputations and character. And I'm supposed to say I don't want
the president to fail? We are in for a real battle. 

We are talking about the United States of America... remaining the
country we were all born into and reared and grown into. And it is
under assault, it has always been under assault. But it has never been
under assault like this, from within."

The red meat speech was more than well received among the adoring
conservative crowd which punctuated his address with repeated standing

On the flip side, it is hard to see how the elected officials of the
Republican Party welcome this. 

Limbaugh's first declaration of hope for Obama's failure put a lot of
GOPers on the line: did they stand with the brash talk show host
against the president? Though, to be sure, there was little push back.
Now, however, Limbaugh's invited more of the same line of questioning.

VIDEO included at link: 


Hint:  The sore loser loony fringe Hillarizoids didn't get their way
in the last election. Boo hoo. It's over. Live with it.

And the sore loser loony fringe conservatives lost their asses -badly-
in the last -two- elections. The American people seem to like it that
way. Boo hoo. It's over. Live with it.

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