And I'm also curious why anyone thinks a complaint
about presidential policy is somehow rebutted by
quoting Rush Limbaugh's desire for Obama to fail,
as if any such complaint means the person lodging
it shares Limbaugh's desire.

(More comments below.)

--- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> 
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> 
> > >
> > > I'm curious why anyone thinks a complaint about
> > > presidential policy is somehow rebutted by citing
> > > approval polls--especially when the complaint
> > > alleges that the powers-that-be have succeeded in
> > > turning the public into zombies.
> > 
> > 'Bama loves me! This I know,
> > For the Polls they tell me so;
> > Electoral votes to Him belong,
> > Shafted Hillary, done her wrong.
> > Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > The Polls tell me so.
> The small, impotent dead-ender group of loser
> fringe Hillarizoids have a lot in common with
> Rush Limbaugh and the remnants of the loony
> fringe conservatives:
> ---At his closing speech at the CPAC conference,
> conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh doubled
> down on his widely-controversial claim that he
> wanted President Barack Obama to fail, insisting
> that he meant what he said, and chastising those
> who were critical of him.
> Hint:  The sore loser loony fringe Hillarizoids
> didn't get their way in the last election. Boo hoo.
> It's over. Live with it.

Because there simply are no legitimate complaints to
be made about anything Obama's doing, it seems.

(Again I'll note the extreme irony of the scorn and
outrage heaped on those who defend TM and MMY from
the complaints of the critics when many of those
same critics cannot tolerate any complaints about

My comments in this thread so far have nothing to do
with my opinions about Obama's performance in office.
They're about the gross intellectual dishonesty of
some of his supporters here, do.rflex in particular.

They seem utterly oblivious to the fact that their
absolutist pro-Obama stance is the mirror image of
the stance they attribute to Hillary's supporters.

There *are* some "sore losers" among her supporters
who are automatically opposed to anything Obama does.
But these Obamazoids respond to *any* criticism of
his actions from the left by tossing the critics in
the "sore loser" pile, and, even more absurdly,
combining that pile with the Rush Limbaugh "want him
to fail" pile on the right.

This kind of nutball thinking *does not help Obama*.

Personally, I have my fingers and toes crossed that
Obama succeeds, because the alternative is unthinkable.

I'm in very close synch with most of the policies and
priorities set forth in his budget.

I have no idea, however, whether his approach to
solving the economic crisis will be effective. Even
the most expert economists are badly split, in many
different directions and across the political 
spectrum, on that question. But I don't agree that
he wants to perpetuate the oligarchy, as some claim.
If he did, it seems to me, his budget would be very

On the other hand, I'm very concerned about his
having adopted some of the most pernicious policies
of the Bush administration after having promised--
including directly to Rick Archer when Obama spoke
in Fairfield--to reverse every Bush decision that,
in Rick's words, "eroded the Constitution."

The Obama TBs here need to learn to live with the
fact that Obama isn't perfect. Those on the left
need to learn to live with criticism of his policies
*from* the left. Instead of assuming that no such
criticism can be valid, they need to evaluate it on
its own terms. If they can come up with reasoned
rebuttal, fine; that kind of dialogue is important
and valuable.

But if they can't rebut the criticism, they should
consider joining the critics in pressuring Obama to
change the policies that need changing.

Again, viewing Obama as a saint who can do no wrong
*doesn't help Obama* in this very difficult time.

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