R. L., the mouthpiece for the wealthy, protests too much.  Under the Obama 
proposal, the wealthiest will only pay 39.5% of income, 20% in capital gains, 
and their 
ego-inflating charitable deductions will be decreased.  

The wealthy have a long, fat ride for 3 decades.  IMO, Obama is taking it too 
easy on the 
wealthy, and should seek 65% of income, to return to a progressive tax system, 
restore the 
middle class.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm curious why anyone thinks a complaint about
> > > presidential policy is somehow rebutted by citing
> > > approval polls--especially when the complaint
> > > alleges that the powers-that-be have succeeded in
> > > turning the public into zombies.
> > 
> > 'Bama loves me! This I know,
> > For the Polls they tell me so;
> > Electoral votes to Him belong,
> > Shafted Hillary, done her wrong.
> > Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > The Polls tell me so.
> > 
> > 'Bama loves me! Money fried,
> > Maw of bankers open wide;
> > Washed away my savings in
> > Stocks gone bad and wallet thin.
> > Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > The Polls tell me so.
> > 
> > 'Bama loves me! loves me still,
> > Loosing money felling ill;
> > From His shining throne on high,
> > There he watches empires die.
> > Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > The Polls tell me so.
> > 
> > 'Bama loves me! He will stay,
> > In the Whitehouse all the way;
> > He's prepared a home for me,
> > Tar paper shack and pot to pee.
> > Yes, 'Bama loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > Yes, 'Bama  loves me!
> > The Polls tell me so.
> The small, impotent dead-ender group of loser fringe Hillarizoids have
> a lot in common with Rush Limbaugh and the remnants of the loony
> fringe conservatives:
> Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (VIDEO)
> "The crowd, watching in three individual 
> ballrooms because of overcrowding, went 
> absolutely wild."
> ---At his closing speech at the CPAC conference, conservative talk
> radio host Rush Limbaugh doubled down on his widely-controversial
> claim that he wanted President Barack Obama to fail, insisting that he
> meant what he said, and chastising those who were critical of him.
> "This notion that I want the president to fail, this shows you the
> problem we've got. This is nothing more than common sense and to not
> be able to say it? Why in the world would I want what we just
> described: rampant government growth, welfare that is not being
> created yet is being spent? What is in this, what is possibly in this
> that any of us want to succeed? 
> Did the Democrats want the war of Iraq to fail? They certainly did.
> And they not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail they proclaimed it a
> failure.... They hoped George Bush failed. 
> So what is so strange about being honest and saying I want Barack
> Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country
> so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation?"
> The crowd, watching in three individual ballrooms because of
> overcrowding, went absolutely wild.
> "I know what's going on. We are in the aspects here of a historic
> presidency, I know that. But let me be honest again, I got over the
> historical aspects of that in November. 
> President Obama is our president. President Obama stands for some
> things. He could be a Martian. He could be from Michigan. I don't
> care. It doesn't matter to me what his race is. It doesn't matter. He
> is liberal. That's what matters to me.... I want the country to
> survive. I want the country to succeed."
> Limbaugh, whose speech went on more than an hour than what was
> planned, didn't end there.
> "Ladies and gentleman of the United States, the Democrat Party has
> actively not just sought the failure of Republican presidents, and
> policies, and now war for the first time. 
> The Democrat party does not stop at failure. Talk to judge Robert
> Bork, talk to justice Clarence Thomas about how they try to destroy
> lives, reputations and character. And I'm supposed to say I don't want
> the president to fail? We are in for a real battle. 
> We are talking about the United States of America... remaining the
> country we were all born into and reared and grown into. And it is
> under assault, it has always been under assault. But it has never been
> under assault like this, from within."
> The red meat speech was more than well received among the adoring
> conservative crowd which punctuated his address with repeated standing
> applause. 
> On the flip side, it is hard to see how the elected officials of the
> Republican Party welcome this. 
> Limbaugh's first declaration of hope for Obama's failure put a lot of
> GOPers on the line: did they stand with the brash talk show host
> against the president? Though, to be sure, there was little push back.
> Now, however, Limbaugh's invited more of the same line of questioning.
> VIDEO included at link: 
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/28/rush-limbaugh-at-cpac-
> http://snipurl.com/cv8ym
> Hint:  The sore loser loony fringe Hillarizoids didn't get their way
> in the last election. Boo hoo. It's over. Live with it.
> And the sore loser loony fringe conservatives lost their asses -badly-
> in the last -two- elections. The American people seem to like it that
> way. Boo hoo. It's over. Live with it.

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