On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 7:01 PM, lurkernomore20002000
<steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Not sure if this makes any sense, but I find it kind of incredible
> when people respond with "softened" emotions, rather than "hardened"
> emotions.  Edg could have responeded to Grate with a 'fuck you"
> attitude like many here do. Instead he responded in what I would
> desribe a more balanced way, leaving the door open for further,
> dialogue.  And what does Grate do.  He also responds in a friendler,
> emotional tone.  I think this is what they call more "enlightened"
> conflict resolution.  Different than the normal fare we often get
> here.

Of course there are no rules when responding to someone we think has
just said something not PC, right?  I mean dialog and civility can't
allow someone saying something that violates what we feel are the
proper sense of values, can we?  We are honor bound to pummel such a
person until they see the world through our eyes, right?

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