On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Hugo <richardhughes...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> And if only he'd done it *before* Hilter had invaded France or built 
> auchwitz, might have saved a lot of bother all round. Still, now we have the 
> technology, at least we know nothing else bad will ever happen.

Of course you didn't get the memo (why should you, it hasn't been
written yet) that the ME can result in the complete breakdown of all
of Western Civilization, just like it has caused the breakdown of the
world economy (or for Nabby, trite rephrase #17).  So be ready for
world peace or total disruption of Western Civilization.  One or the
other.  Or something in between.  Details when the event happens.
Unless nothing happens.  If nothing happens we'll announce that
something really bad was supposed to happen but we prevented it.  We'd
publish a flowchart of the possibilities but our compsci students
create flow charts and our compsci enrollment is way down.  Oh, wait.
This requires advanced math knowledge, the kind necessary to
understand quantum mechanics.  But Maharishi told us that there is no
math but Vedic Math.

Get it?

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