On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:40 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Um...Lawson...the actual ticket prices are
contained in this viral email sent to meditators.
One simple search on Ebay showed that the highest
*asking price* (much less what they actually got
for them) was $750, most much less.

Now could we have a comment from you about your
charge of "insane?"

Yeah, he'll ignore it rather than admit he was wrong.

I did see some going for $1500 a few days ago--asking price.
Have no idea what they actually got.

Advanced purchase email for TMers:


Dear Friends,

The David Lynch Foundation wishes to extend to every member of the U.S. TM family a special advance opportunity to purchase a ticket for the "Change Begins Within Concert" April 4th at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The benefit concert will feature Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Sheryl Crow, Donovan, Eddie Vedder, Moby, and Paul Horn. (http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org)

Beginning at 9am Eastern Time, Sunday morning March 8th we will have a SPECIAL PRE-SALE for our meditator family. The time window for this special pre-sale is 9am to 11am Eastern time on Sunday. Starting at 11am, the presale will expand to a much larger group and the chances of getting a ticket will decrease.

You may order your concert tickets by phone or online by calling 866-858-0008 or 212-307-1000, or by going online to the pre-sale ordering page:http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/1D00424BAF8134DB

General Admission tickets are $79.50, $99.50, $129.50, $225.50, $325.50 and $504.50. There is a limit of 6 tickets per person. We recommend that you have the Radio City seating chart open in advance so that you can see the different price and seating options http://www.radiocity.com/media/global/radio_seating.pdf

Which is almost exactly what I said, $75 being the low
price I had heard.

PLEASE, PLEASE do not forward this email to anyone. You are receiving this email because you are on an approved meditator email list and a trusted member of our family. If this gets out to anyone beyond our immediate family, the risk of a viral email spreading is too great...

"approved meditator list"...lol
Glad to see you're on it, Barry!

Thanks for posting that--sure clears up
any confusion.


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