On Apr 21, 2009, at 12:55 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I admit to having read maybe about 50 lines,
to try and see if there were any pearls I might
have otherwise missed.

I really didn't. *Whatever* the subject matter,
I can rarely get through more than a few lines
of any "Edgpost." The reason is that I don't get
off on a genre of writing called "emotional
junkie-ism." That's where writers mistake a
surge of strong emotion for creativity. The
more strong the emotion feels, the better they
think their writing is.

There is always a kind of desperation about this
kind of writing that I don't enjoy. Because when
the current surge of emotion wears off, the
writers in question often find that they have
nothing to say, and have to artificially create
another "surge" before they can write again. This
often takes the form of abuse of drugs or alcohol,
or something we see often on this forum, "manu-
factured outrage." Think Rush Limbaugh. That's
the problem with writing like this...it's a kind
of junk food.

Good description, Barry.
Every now and then empty calories are what I want,
I guess.  Or at least what I'm willing to put up with.


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