--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
steve.sundur@ wrote:
> >
> > I suppose there is a chance that Judy is right in
> > her views, and everyone else is wrong.
> Lurk, you don't even know what my views *are*.
> You read what Edg said about them and assumed
> what he said was accurate.
> It wasn't.

This is true.  I don't know exactly what your views are on cc.  However,
the little I have read of them the "part man made, part ET"  seemed to
summarize it.  Perhaps I am mistaken.
> > I suppose this may be the case. But on the other hand,
> > on the surface, and for many layers down, I think Edg
> > is dialed in to the reality of the situaton. And it's
> > not mean spirited expose. Just a sober looking at
> > things as they are. Not sure why Judy cannot give any
> > ground on some things.
> Which things?

I cannot give any specific examples because I generally skim posts
rather than do an in depth reading.  But the overall impression I get is
that there is not much give on your opinions.  The few times I have
engaged with you on issues,  I thought it got into a lot of parsing of
words and ideas, and I don't care to get down to that level of minutae.
> > I think it reinforces all that her harshest critics
> > say about her. Excuse me for referring to Judy in
> > the third person, or whatever person it is, but I do
> > not care to get into a one on one with her. Nope.
> > Not interested. Call me a coward if you wish.
> Yeah, it's cowardly big-time to make nonspecific
> charges and refuse to follow up on them.

I have followed up  to the extent I can.  At the risk of appearing to
preach, maybe think about some of things Edg said.  Maybe there is
something there you may find useful.  Or maybe you are comfortable with
how you see things now.  Obviously there are some thngs in your life
which need to be tweaked, as you have recently alluded to in your state
of mind.  I know I have recently talked about some issues I am dealing
with.  I have sought therapy of different types.  And I have benefitted
from it.  Maybe, just maybe, if I were in a therapists office, I might
say, "I don't know if this is a strengh, or a weakeness, but I have had
an online dialogue with a member of a discussion group going on fifteen
years,  in which I call him out on what I feel are his lies and
manipulations.  It really bothers me that he thinks he can get away with
it.  Is this an unheathly obsession or is it a constuctive desire on my
part for I view as fairness".

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