On Jun 13, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

I say there's little distinction between posting links to porn and posting actual porn.

Duh.  You'd think this would be fairly obvious,
especially to people meditating for decades who
supposedly have imporved mental functioning.

I don't see how the site Shemp linked to provided any useful embellishment of his point. We all know or can imagine what porn looks like, and if we don't, we can find it easily enough ourselves. We don't need FFL to provide links. We have a pretty broad definition of what is permissible to post

No kidding.  Shemp's complaint is--surprise!--
silly and self-serving.

And what's he doing trolling porn sites anyway?
Slow week at Bellevue, Shemp?

Sonia Sotomayor, move over. I want your job.

Sonia??  I'd say you've outdone Solomon
with this one.


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