--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Thank you, Billy, for giving us all the perfect image of Barry -- as the Lord 
> of the Rings' Golem in some odious dank chamber holding onto his 
> precssssioussssss.....his two ounces of meat.  Er, 1.5 ounces?
> Is it just me or has Barry, like, doubled or tripled his "troll score" in 
> recent months?  I think Willy needs to amp it up, or Barry will bypass him as 
> the Troll-in-Chief here.  
> To me, it seems like Barry is mainly trying to get folks angry in just about 
> every post nowadays....and, surprisingly, he's not even doing it as well as 
> Willy, because he's just using the flimsiest of reasons to post; whereas 
> Willy goes to some effort to make sure that his nonsense has some "read more" 
> link to back his snarking up.  Barry is as if the Emperor who has his fingers 
> in his ears about his clothing, but Willy's Emperor can hear us and takes 
> precautions to try to create an image of himself as one who is a well dressed 
> scholar.
> Never thought I'd say it, but Willy is contributing more here than Barry.  
> All Willy would have to do is toss in a few movie reviews and tell us about 
> his local cafe, and Barry would be completely redundant here.  More points 
> still if Willy would confess to stalking children.
> I bet Barry now comes back with a flurry of posts to show he's a genuine 
> contributor -- maybe he'll write about the Cathars again or something that 
> name drops (I mean, who HASN'T Barry met and had a chummy talk with?) to show 
> Barry's closet full of tee shirts since he's been at every major spiritual 
> event since 1960 donchaknow.
> The Golem image, though spot on, is sad -- who'd want to be Barry -- a 
> tiresome drudge stroking his precious like Dr. Evil's cat and bewailing a 
> life in which he cannot even get a Judy-killing shark with a frickin' 
> laserbeam?
> Edg

Hehe, that's one of the most spot-on texts you ever wrote here ! :-)

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