off_world_beings wrote:
> >From Runner's and Triathlete's Web News Runner's and Triathlete's Web
> News :
> by By Owen Anderson, Ph. D.
> ""Many meat-eating athletes wonder whether a switch to a vegetarian diet
> might provide a performance boost, and there are logical reasons for
> such thinking. First, vegetarian diets tend to be high-carbohydrate
> regimens, which should lead to optimal glycogen storage in muscles. At
> the lofty intensities required for high-level training and serious
> competition, carbohydrate is the primary source of energy; when
> muscle-carbohydrate (glycogen) levels are too low, athletes experience
> fatigue and tend to perform poorly (1). Thus, a vegetarian diet may
> function as an "insurance policy" against insipid intramuscular
> carbohydrate storage and underachievement in races. "

Turns them into vata types.  Ever notice that most successful runners 
ARE vata types?  Light and thin as the air.  Same true with the cherry 
bowl heads.  But for some people to go on vegetarian diets can be a huge 
mistake.  The diet for kapha types actually IS the low carb diet.  But 
it may not work well if you have acquired kapha and are not really a 
kapha type.   I lose weight on a low carb diet and get no work done.  
Some people with accumulated kapha may have crashed thyroid and/or 
adrenal glands.  They just don't have "umph" to go exercise  especially 
with an adrenal insufficiency. 

Vegetarianism isn't for everyone though about 80% of Americans could cut 
way back on their meat consumption which is almost 3 times daily.  Oops, 
better watch out or the cattlemen's association will send out a hit 
man.  Remember how they screamed about Oprah?

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