--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation"
<seekliberat...@...> wrote:
> I don't always disagree with Turq, but I do disagree with the general
mindset that the individual choice to be a vegetarian means that the
individual lacks basic strength and aggression.
> I got into an argument with a Marine one time about eating meat. He
argued that vegetarians were mentally and physically weak. I was not a
devout vegetarian, but did eat a predominantly veggie diet, and I
challenged him to any form of physical contest. Of course he denied, he
wasn't very strong at anything. But I remember in the conversation I
argued that Frank Zane(3 time Mr. Olympia in the 70's and 80's) was a
vegetarian. So the idea that vegetarianism = pacifist is void.
> It is true, that most people willing to commit to a vegan lifestyle
have personal avoidance of aggression, but I think it's more due to the
lack of necessity for it rather than the lack of potential for it. >>

Yep, even lazy vegetarians have more endurance than athletic

"Of the three groups compared, the... flesh-eaters showed far less
endurance than the abstainers (vegetarians), even when the latter were
leading a sedentary life."
Overall, the average score of the vegetarians was over double the
average score of the meat-eaters, even though half of the vegetarians
were sedentary people, while all of the meat-eaters tested were

A comparable study was done by Dr. J. Ioteyko of the Academie de
Medicine of Paris. Dr. Ioteyko compared the endurance of vegetarians and
meat-eaters from all walks of life in a variety of tests. The
vegetarians averaged two to three times more stamina than the
meat-eaters. Even more remarkably, they took only one-fifth the time to
recover from exhaustion compared to their meat-eating rivals.

Wherever and whenever tests of this nature have been done, the results
have been similar. Doctors in Belgium systematically compared the number
of times vegetarians and meat-eaters could squeeze a grip-meter. The
vegetarians won handily with an average of 69, whilst the meat-eaters
averaged only 38. As in all other studies which have measured muscle
recovery time, here, too the vegetarians bounced back from fatigue far
more rapidly than did the meat-eaters."" --


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