--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > My guess is it's quite apparent to most readers here
> > except maybe for a couple of the resident right wingers
> > that you have a personal grudge problem, Ms Dog with
> > regard to your "Champion" Hillary losing
> Funny thing, though, how so many of Obama's most
> fervent progressive supporters (and Hillary-haters)
> are making the same criticisms as Raunchy.

>From Bob Herbert's NYTimes column today (in the
primary, he was an Obama supporter and a Hillary

"...It's still early, but people are starting
to lose faith in the president. I hear almost 
daily from men and women who voted 
enthusiastically for Mr. Obama but are 
feeling disappointed. They feel that the 
banks made out like bandits in the bailouts, 
and that the health care initiative could 
become a boondoggle. Their biggest worry is 
that Mr. Obama is soft, that he is unwilling 
or incapable of fighting hard enough to 
counter the forces responsible for the sorry 
state the country is in.

"More and more the president is being seen by 
his own supporters as someone who would like 
to please everybody, who is naïve about the 
prospects for bipartisanship, who believes 
that his strongest supporters will stay with 
him because they have nowhere else to go, and 
who will retreat whenever the Republicans and 
the corporate crowd come after him...."

Read more:


BTW, many of those who did *not* support Obama
in the primary had *precisely* the suspicions
Herbert says are now being voiced by his 
supporters. Many of us supported Hillary because
we didn't think she was similarly afflicted.

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