On Aug 22, 2009, at 7:48 AM, do.rflex wrote:

You may as well be a wingnut.

I write to another list that's very right wing and find that there is more aggressive attacking from you about Obama [on anything at all you can dig up about him to attack him with] than any individual wingnut there - with the exception of a few clearly mentally challenged extremist sociopaths.

My guess is it's quite apparent to most readers here except maybe for a couple of the resident right wingers that you have a personal grudge problem, Ms Dog with regard to your "Champion" Hillary losing to "an inadequate black man" [the latter in quotes is from from a frothing woman Obama hater after Obama was chosen over Hillary to run for president].

You'd fit right in with the current crop of fringe wingnut losers.

Obama IS going to get a decent health care reform bill passed and the economy IS starting to gradually turn around despite your self- revealing and self-defeating incessant bitter carping.

Amen.  It's clearly become a personal issue for rd,
she's basically lost all self-control or sense of
perspective as far as Obama is concerned.


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