--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> Howard Dean and Dr. Nancy Snyderman — both public option supporters — make an 
> interesting wager on live television Friday afternoon...
> Watch: http://www.dailykostv.com/w/002162/

Today on ABC's This Week Obama denied making people pay a penalty if they don't 
buy mandated health insurance is a tax on the middle class, dissed those who 
can't afford insurance as a burden on those who can afford it and dissed 
supporters of the public option calling them ideologues.

"Obama Denies Insurance Mandate Taxes Middle Class, Diminishes Public Option"
Firedoglake By Scarecrow Sunday September 20, 2009

Meanwhile, Hillary calls it like it is: The current healthcare proposal on the 
table is

    "fundamentally so conservative compared with so many of our friends and 
allies around the world who do a much better job than we do in covering 
everybody and keeping costs down…"

…while noting the obvious political advantages to the president for passing 
something he can call reform.


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