> What makes you think Obama isn't a corporate tool as well? Is he so special 
> and blessed by the gods of power that he doesn't need to explain why everyone 
> shouldn't have the public option if they want it? Instead of evading 
> questions on TV trying to sell us a health reform pig, he could just have 
> easily said, "Look, private health insurance and big pharma have screwed you 
> for years and they will continue to do so unless we force them to compete 
> with a public option that is available to anyone who wants it." 
> Yep. It's all about the money. If he doesn't play along to get along 
> insurance/big pharma will just fill the coffers of the Republicans. 
> Meanwhile, corporate media continues to divide and conquer. FOX profits from 
> inciting right wing anger about "government control of health care" and 
> MSNBC, CNN, profits from bashing teabaggers and inciting left wing elitism. 
> The last thing any corporate pol or pundit wants is for the right and left to 
> discover that they have a common enemy, namely a propaganda machine that 
> keeps them fighting and stupid about corporate control of their lives.
Fox is not news, it's propaganda...
The other networks are more subtle, in their propaganda...
We began to lose this democracy, on November 22, 1963...
Since that time, the military and corporations, have been running this 
At this point the Congress and the President and the Supreme Court, or more 
figure heads, for the Corporate Masters, than of the people, by the people, and 
for the people...
Just this morning, the military wants to expand their operations in 
Does, anyone actually think, that Afghanistan, can be tamed?
Check out the history of this area, for the past several hundred years...
One of the reasons, we are there, is for the CIA, to make money off the opium 
The CIA people are given millions of dollars in cash to pay people off...
There is so much going on behind the scenes in these war situations...
Most of it, is just a way, to drain some more money, that could be used to 
actually help and evolve our lives...
But these ass-holes are addicted to power, and violence...
And continue to make war, some kind of 'Nobel thing'...
Has there been a time, in recent history, where we weren't interfering in 
someone else's business, and having a war somewhere?

It might be too late, to have a real democracy again...
The military/corporate complex, has got it pretty much wrapped up...


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