--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Today on ABC's This Week Obama denied making people pay
> a penalty if they don't buy mandated health insurance is
> a tax on the middle class, dissed those who can't afford
> insurance as a burden on those who can afford it

In fairness, he said those who CAN afford health
insurance--or would be able to under the reform
provisions--but choose not to are the burden. See
the portion of the This Week transcript posted as
an update.

> and dissed supporters of the public option calling them
> ideologues.

This was also updated after a review of the video:

"[Update II: After watching the NBC MTP video, Obama's
statement about getting beyond ideology was general;
it was NOT make in specific reference to the public

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