On Sep 30, 2009, at 1:54 PM, WillyTex wrote:

> > According to James Duffy, "...it is 110% confirmed
> > in Swami Rama's account of his PERSONAL, DIRECT
> > contact with Guru Dev."
Vaj wrote:
> Here's Swami Rama's tradition. It's a lot different
> from TM...
Actually, Swami Rama's meditation is quite similar
to the TM practice. Sri Vidya tradition is also very
similar to TM philosophy. They both share the same
bija mantras, and the same emphasis on the Mandukhya

TM places an emphasis on the Mandukya Upanishad?

They all practice a meditation that is
transcendental, but Swami Rama may not have actually

When Swami Rama received shaktipat from his guru, he went into samadhi for many hours. It is said that Sw. Rama was so advanced in his Sri Vidya practice, to enter the bindu would take most advanced students a couple of hours, for Sw. Rama, just a couple of minutes. In fact, at such a deep level, the number of repetitions of mantra is quite rapid compared to waking state, as the dimension of time is very different compared to the waking state or light trance of most peoples superficial mantra meditation.

Swami Rama also demonstrated his ability to go into conscious deep sleep, witnessing deep sleep, at will. This was conducted at the Menninger Institute. His EEG showed him in deep sleep, yet he was able to recall all that was said while he was "asleep".

When you consider that Swami Brahmananda
Saraswati was a Sri Vidya proponent and that his guru
was a Saraswati Dasanami, it all falls into place.

TM is actually better, faster, than Sri Vidya, and by
far, superior to Swami Rama's Himalayan Institute!

Well, let me put it to you this way. Swami Rama's meditation methods were so powerful, that students of his would sometimes go into samadhi, locked into their asana, for days. In fact this became enough of an issue that they kept a special temperature and light controlled room where they'd place such students when this spontaneously occurred.

I've honestly never heard of such a thing happening in TMers. Have you?

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