> > They all practice a meditation that is transcendental, 
> > but Swami Rama may not have actually transcended.
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Swami Rama's meditation methods were so powerful, that 
> students of his would sometimes go into samadhi, locked 
> into their asana, for days. I've honestly never heard of 
> such a thing happening in TMers. 
So, how many people have heard of the Himalayan Institute 
or the Swami Rama? Mahesh Yogi is almost a household word.

> Have you?
Most all of the people that I know who started TM, 
experienced the Transcendental Absolute in a matter of 
minutes, without having to go to India and pass through 
years of training. 

>From what I've read, over five million people have 
experienced this on the very first try. In contrast, maybe 
one or two people who were students of the Swami Rama were 
able to transcend, in years of practice.

So, let's sum up.

Sringeri is the seat of the Saraswati Dasanami lineage, 
founded by the Adi Shankaracharya in the seventh centruy 
A.D. At Sringeri, the Adi Shankaracharya placed a Sri 
Chakra (mystical diagram) on the mandir with the TM bija 
mantras inscribed thereon. 


Then, the Adi Shankaracharya composed the Saundaryalahari, 
and included the sixteen TM bija mantras therein. According 
to historians, the sixteenth bija mantra, 'Srim', was added 
to the fifteen as fertilizer for the other fifteen.

Soundarya Lahari:

All the Saraswati adherents worship the Sri Vidya, which 
translated means, "Auspicious Knowledge of the Transcendent", 
that is, 'Knowledge is structured in Consciousness'.

Sri Vidya:

As described by the Adi's root guru, Gaudapadacharya, who 
wrote a concise commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad, there 
are three states of consciousness, and the Turyia, the 
Fourth, that is, Pure Consciousness, which is transcendental 
or beyond, to the three common states.



Swami Brahmananda Saraswati's guru was Krishnananda Saraswati.
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was succeeed by Swami Shantananda
Saraswati. Swami Brahmananda was the master of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi, who was instrumental in establishing the TMO in 
Kerala State, in Southern India, where Swami Brahmananda was 
very popular.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

According to Swami Svarupananda, Guru Dev used to initiate 
sadhaks with the bija mantra of their respective istadevatas. 
Swami Svarupananda Saraswati said that the Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi used to pass out bija mantras while sitting under a 
picture of his master, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati.

Beacon Light of the Himalayas:

According to Swami Rama of the Himalayas, Guru Dev was a 
proponent of the Sri Vidya, and that Guru Dev used to worship 
a ruby-encrusted Sri Chakra with the TM bijas mantras 
inscribed on it.

'Living With the Himalayan Masters'
By Swami Rama

So, I guess we can conlude that Swami Krishnananda of Uttar 
Kashi was a Himalayan Master. And we can also conclude that 
Swami Brahmananda, his disciple, was a Himalayan Master. 
And I guess we can conclude that Swami Rama was a Himalayan 
Master, since he founded the Himalayan Institute.

Uttar Kashi:

So, to sum up:

Mahesh Yogi came out of the Himalayas and he looks like a 
Himalayan Master. So, if someone comes out of the Himalayas 
after studying with a Himalayan Master, and Mahesh Yogi 
looks and talks like a Himalayan Master, then he must be 
some kind of Himalayan Master. And, since people all over 
India call him a Master, then he is probably a Master of 
some kind.

So, since the TM bija mantras came from the Adi Shankara, 
passed down through Shantanand Saraswati, and are included 
in the supreme scripture of the Sri Vidya, the Saundaryalahari, 
we can conclude that the Mahesh Yogi got the TM bija mantras 
from his Master, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. James Duffy 
and Billy Smith both seem to agree with this. I can 
understand this but Vaj cannot. Go figure.

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