--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
<jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap" 
<compost1uk@> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
<jstein@> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm sorry you choose to perpetuate that silly
> > and intellectually disreputable use of the
> > word "deniers". For shame. How can you live
> > with yourself?
> Oh, please. You've used the term yourself:
> "Or try this very thoughtful analysis from Judy Curry,
> a climate scientist who again is NOT in the denier 

Oh Judy - you've confused a debating point for 
something that matters:

Coloured person to whitey some day some time ago:

"The trouble with you master is that you won't treat 
us niggers as human beings"

Then a day or two later:

"And another thing master, we think that the word 
'nigger' is disrespectful"

Whitey (a smug smile playing around his lips): "Oh, 
please! YOU used the term yourself just the other day. 
Don't you remember?"

Yeah, right.

Yes I used the term "denier" - but the context should 
be obvious to you (viz. trying to engage with people 
who seem to think that those who hold differing views 
are variously irredeemably stupid, contemptible, 
selfish, polluters, and, of course "in denial").

The subtext of this word denial hardly needs to be 
spelled out does it?

It is either attempting to make an association with 
holocaust deniers, or to invoke the idea of 
"psychological denial". 

By using either (with intent - see my first point), I 
don't think you are covering yourself in rational 
glory. In fact I think it makes those that stoop that 
low, look transaparently ignorant. I am not used to 
seeing you in that light.

And given that it is generally folks that do this that 
also seem to be persuaded that they stand on the 
rational high ground - it is deeply ironic. 

Of course in the public domain the term is used in an 
"end justifies the means" strategy to try to elbow and 
bully critics out beyond the pale. But as this is 
ultimately a scientific question, and as a progressive 
and rationalist you should "stand up" for Science, 
then it is in fact YOU, not I (a sceptic) that should 
be at the forefront of protest on this point. By 
discrediting yourself in this way you harm the genuine 
arguments that can be made for your cause.

As do the exposed emails.

Which is exactly the point you make later in your post 
(and with which you are in contradiction as long as 
you waltz around calling folks "deniers"):

> The whole "tribalism" thing needs to be cleaned
> up, unquestionably, but not because it
> legitimately calls the science in question. It
> needs to be cleaned up because it gives the
> anti-AGW folks weapons they can misuse--*have
> been* misusing--to shake the public's faith
> in the science.

Some unsolicted advice to those on your side of the 

* Stop using the word "denier"
* Go back to the falsifiable (and therefore 
interesting) conjecture of AGW "anthropomorphic global 
warming" and drop the glib, unfalsifiable "climate 
* Dump the picture in your head that you are the 
beacons of rationality whose only critics are the 
stupid, misinformed, illiterate barbarians at the gate.

Finally (I'm not done yet!):

You quoted David Hume yesterday. If you are not 
already familiar with him, why not try the great 
American philosopher and scientist C.S. peirce? You 
know what he thought? - The greatest (and only) 
enemies of Science are those who seek to close down 

And I have no doubt Hume would have agreed.

The term "denier" in this debate is the tool of those 
who are the real enemies of Science.

OK... gasp for breath...now I'm done. 

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