On Dec 23, 2009, at 2:37 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

Consciously and with full free choice you decided to join a cult, one that was largely of your own making.

Oh? I created the TMO? Strike one.

You could have stuck with just doing TM twice a day for 15 minutes without getting involved in the TMO. And guess what? You wouldn't have had much to complain about.

And you are omniscient, so you know what my experience was and what it would be? You suck as a mind reader Shemp. Strike Two.

But the above story-telling you engage in reveals much: firstly, it was just that: a story.

The assumption at the time was: if someone on Purusha told you this, they had the inside scoop. I did not assume then, like I would now, that they were probably lying.

Secondly, it had nothing to do with TM.

Of course it did. If Maharishi could be wrapped like a mummy and go into a continuum a silence, i, his humble student would one day receive the SPECIAL technique and be able to do the same. It was only a matter of time. Strike three.

Thirdly, when you found out it wasn't true, how the hell was that a reflection on TM,

Well, duh, if it's a lie, then TM probably ain't as good as I was lead to believe. What a let down!

the TMO,

The TMO FOSTERED and encouraged such lies, willfully. Strike four.

or Maharishi

If Marshy couldn't do it, he was just a fake too. Heck the guy wasn't even in silence. Just another lie he helped foster. He was just working on business matters as usual! Strike five, get back in the dugout with your inflatable doll already!

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