Vaj wrote:
> On Dec 24, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> Vaj wrote:
>>> On Dec 24, 2009, at 4:39 PM, Premanand wrote:
>>>> Some of the independent teachers are listed here:-
>>> Put your waders on.
>>> Interesting to see these independent teachers are continuing the Holy 
>>> Tradition of lies. They are claiming that TM is derived from Sri Vidya and 
>>> Advaita Vedanta--both of course are, <sigh>, untrue. Apparently this Theo 
>>> dude--who has sent me several emails offlist--also has put out some bogus 
>>> (and hilarious) TM research.
>> Do you think MMY just made it up or found it elsewhere? It sort of 
>> resembles something that might be from Nadi astrology. What I'm 
>> thinking is might have mentioned his predicament to some yogi or 
>> astrologer and they suggested the solution. You and I know that India 
>> as a lot of these procedures almost from village to village. In fact I 
>> think Parashara was actually cataloging the different techniques not 
>> intending that one would use all of them.
> I'm surprised you'd ask that. They're very common mantras. Unless you mean 
> the permutations. They're just bijoddhara mantras--extracted bijas--a common 
> way to permutate mantras, based on simple rules. 
> Just before TM was introduced in India, a compendium of Mantra Shastra in 
> encyclopedia form was published in Hindi, Sanskrit and Bengali. It connected 
> mantra-yoga with the then known laws of physics. The series was such the 
> rage, that it was condensed into a one volume version (from the original six 
> volumes) and even translated into English. TM in it's current form came out 
> right after this popular book, the Japasutram, was published. Many of the 
> English buzzwords associated with TM can be found in the English version.

Thanks, but the reason I asked as I've never seen such rules in any text 
(with regard to the system).   We may be talking about two different things.

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