-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:

> Curtis:
> > So many TM trained orphans with no ability 
> > of the organizations to deal with their 
> > issues...
> >
> You're the TM trained 'orpahn', Curtis. 
> But, just because you don't seem to have any 
> answers for spiritual issues, I'm not writing 
> you off as a 'criminal', like Hugo did recently. 
> What I can't understand is why you TM Teachers 
> won't, or can't, help us with our spiritual 
> problems, the topic of this thread. It doesn't
> make any sense.
> What's up with all the secrecy?

No TM teacher was trained to deal with problems on this guy's level.  That is 
the humanitarian gap.  And since people catch on that despite the lip-service 
paid to seeing doctors, if you seek traditional psychological help you will be 
barred from courses.  So people end up in limbo between their belief in "the 
highest teaching and the solution to all problems" and the life they are living.

Of course I am no help in any "spiritual" issues because I don't share a 
spiritual perspective. (not that there's anything wrong with that!) 

> TM Teacher:
> > > > Jesuuus Christ.  Maybe some day I'll have 
> > > > the patience or attention span to see what 
> > > > is written here. But not today.  
> > > >
> Let's see - you spent countless hours and thousands
> of dollars to learn how to teach TM and help
> people with their spiritual experiences - but you 
> can't spend sixty seconds answering a simple question
> today? Go figure.
> Sal:
> > > My thoughts too.  Where people get the time
> > > or energy for such mind-numbingly long
> > > rants is beyond me.  
> > >
> So, your mind is numb, Sal.
> Curtis:
> > So many TM trained orphans with no ability 
> > of the organizations to deal with their 
> > issues...
> >
> You're the TM trained 'orpahn', Curtis. 
> But, just because you don't seem to have any 
> answers for spiritual issues, I'm not writing 
> you off as a 'criminal', like Hugo did recently. 
> What I can't understand is why you TM Teachers 
> won't, or can't, help us with our spiritual 
> problems, the topic of this thread. It doesn't
> make any sense.
> What's up with all the secrecy?
> Apparently there's some magic, ecstatic process
> that's going on with 'enlivening' the bija mantra
> during the Guru Dev Puja, according to John
> Manning. Is this where the 'snake oil' comes in?
> What's up with that?
> Barry Wright says it's like getting a real 'high'. 
> Some of the TM Teachers who are the current 
> informants, have performed this ritual thousands 
> of times. Vaj inferred that some type of 'sarin
> gas' might be involved.
> What's up with that?

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