
You could do far worse than to take advice from brother Curtis here. As humble 
as he is, this is a guy who has really walked the walk when it comes to 
spiritual practice and devotion.

"Take advice" is the wrong expression actually. "Listen carefully and consider" 
is better. Curtis is one of the clearest thinkers and writers present at FFL 
IMO. I stopped checking in on FFL when Curtis checked out some months 
ago....way too much same ol' same ol. Now that he's back I look in almost 
everyday. There's wisdom in them thar posts! Hell, just check out his last four 

FFL w/o Curtis is boring.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "janosmelocco" <janosmelocco@> wrote:
> Hi Janosmelocco
> I am really the worst person to give advice to you.  I don't share the 
> transpersonal or spiritual perspectives that seem to be important to you.  
> But we do share an interest in NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis.  You seem like a 
> guy who has really done some hard work on yourself.  I did write some ideas 
> that I didn't post when you first logged on.  I just decided that I was not 
> the right guy for the job especially with many goodhearted spiritually 
> oriented people here.
> To clarify what I wrote, I don't believe that one mantra has a different 
> effect than another or that it could affect your wife in such a dramatic way. 
>  I would keep your search for answers more earthbound.  Frankly when I hear 
> that someone is acting "possessed" I immediately think professional mental 
> health care is needed.  It could be a serious degenerative condition.  So 
> when I heard some people egging you on with different practices it made me 
> think that perhaps you were being encouraged to continue down the same road 
> you are on and expecting different results.  But you totally proved me wrong 
> about your openness to other points of view.  You are actively seeking them 
> out so high five for that.
> I found what I was seeking from life outside the spiritual perspective.  I 
> found alternative explanations to the subjective states we experience in 
> spiritual practices that suit me better.  I can't say the same would be true 
> for everyone or that everyone should adapt a secular view of life.  It just 
> worked for me. So I have no more advice except perhaps that a new seed is 
> needed for a new crop to quote our old friend Maharishi.  In my current point 
> of view he was wrong about many many things.  But he sure had that right!
> Good luck brother.  I wish you and your family a wonderful life.
> >
> > curtisdeltablues,
> > 
> > I am rereading some things that made sense. Actually I did get a few good 
> > points of advice, some privately in email - my yahoo address is public here 
> > - my name as given here plus yahoo dot com.
> > It had a good effect on me to write all this out - in retrospect, I think 
> > it was the final straw that broke my long-term attachment with the relics 
> > of TM. I wil continue with many good things that we enjoy separately and 
> > together with my wife but this trip is over - I think it has a cult-like 
> > energy.
> > 
> > I re-read parts of this chat that made sense to me and I was thinking maybe 
> > I did not understand part of your post here:
> > 
> > > I'm sensing someone looking for "spiritual" answers to non-spiritual 
> > > problems.  I felt alarmed seeing more gas poured on this fire.  It 
> > > reminds me that our education and health care systems have failed so many 
> > > people.  The desperation that must be behind seeking a relief from 
> > > suffering from random Internet strangers (some stranger than others)is a 
> > > shame. No advice that doesn't match and reinforce the current filters has 
> > > a chance of getting through.>
> > 
> > I hope I reset my filters a lot by NLP training a few years ago. Although I 
> > am sure a lot of stuff will not get through to me - I am sensitive to 
> > style. If you have that kid of advice, I would be happy to read it.
> > 
> > You are absolutely right about the desperation and the orphan status. If TM 
> > were indeed what the initial good experience of some people had promised, 
> > we would have been given plausible and practical advice. I already saw this 
> > around 1985-90 - and that is why I got into reading other explanatory 
> > systems like Zen Buddhism, Carlos Castaneda, other Hindu mystics etc.
> > 
> > As for a spiritual answer for a non-spiritual problem - I keep on wondering 
> > about that. We have various problematic areas in life - health, money, a 
> > difficult history that gets slowly remedied - some of these are highlighted 
> > by the jyotish astrology I do, some not.
> > 
> > The answer I specifically sought here was why certain problems seem to 
> > aggravate in life with meditating with my original mantra? They do not if I 
> > recite other things or just rest. Since I have a long history of good 
> > experiences, I was sort of reluctant to not try it again and again. Fine, I 
> > thought, maybe after a few years we are ready from the point of view of 
> > psychological integration.
> > 
> > I did get through a period when I did not meditate at all. It was 
> > difficult, and I got into the habit of lying down and resting but not at 
> > regular times. Sometimes it was very visionary - I even had OBE's - 
> > sometimes it was just a nap, sometimes a time for self-healing and 
> > sometimes I just got up because I thought working or eating or chi gong or 
> > other stuff would be better.
> > 
> > Because if this is a problem of psychology, finances, sex, inheritance to 
> > mention a few prossible areas, it would not matter which mantra I use in 
> > meditation - whether you support the idea of meditation or not? Right?
> > 
> > Let us say that XY is a psychologist who (unlike our friend) is deeply 
> > suspicious about the entire affair and looks at it as mere escapism. They 
> > would not single out a technique, and even something within that... Maybe 
> > they think TM is a way o sublimating sexual energy or sg like that. OK. 
> > Then what is the difference if I repeat a Buddhist mantra or just sit 
> > Zen-like?
> > 
> > When I do Ericksonian trance for others, and I can see they relax really, I 
> > know they are in a similar place, and sometimes I even let them stay there 
> > for a while before I call them out, and on occasion this has drawn me into 
> > it - in a sort of guarded way I drifted away for a few minutes resting when 
> > the client was at his/her deepest part. None of this, although experiences 
> > very similar to TM, have EVER produced the evil effect I was asking about. 
> > Life was normal afterwards, usually better, since I was subjectively 
> > better, feeling a sense of satisfaction about my work. But if my wife had 
> > some problem, she still had it, not worse and not better than before my 
> > experience with my client. However, with TM, I meditated upstairs and she 
> > got into a weird mood downstairs - right the opposite of the Maharishi 
> > effect.
> > 
> > We had a classic day of bad timing, weird energies. Later I realized "oops, 
> > I meditated again the same way, no wonder" - and in a few hours we worked 
> > ourselves out of this.
> > 
> > Of course, if my marriage was cloudless to start with, the whole would have 
> > been different. As it is, this Hellinger-style psychologist (Hellinger is 
> > "spatial modeling of unconscious contents" using a group, with different 
> > rules for different folks) that put forward this observation has indeed 
> > helped me and my wife a lot. It was years ago that the TM technique started 
> > to change for me, it did so gradually. If it worked as it did 15 years ago, 
> > I would not have wanted to stop. As it is, I was divided. Part of me wanted 
> > to stop altogether and practice something wholly different.
> > 
> > I think I did put together something these days. It was worth my while to 
> > write here.
> > 
> > But I welcome if you still have something to say.
> > 
> > Part of my answer is transpersonal - TM has been "hijacked" and the 
> > original technique would connect me to this "group entity" in an energetic 
> > way. The rest is like in the War in Heaven book.
> > 
> > That author advises to proceeed using own trial and error. This was that.
> > 
> > janosmelocco
> >

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