breaking news- the puja requirement has been eliminated from learning tm and 
mum students can attend without learning and or learn without the puja. it is 
all now optional, or not, anyone participates even though they were never 
participating really.....or do they 

--- In, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > From: []
> > On Behalf Of nadarrombus
> > Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 5:15 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: how about a massive lawsuit against tmo
> >  
> >   
> > i agree with your perspectives somewhat and appreciate your thoughtful
> > response, i too am comfortable with my relationship to my experiences with
> > tm, tmo and maharishi etc. in the way that i own my own involvement
> > psychologically, i have been a weak human at times for better or worse, and
> > i see it all as a learning experience -albeit i was abused. i do use the
> > programs in a self regulated way that is better than what i was taught by
> > maharishi. i researched vedic literature and found flaws with his teachings
> > and contradictions with the vedic tradition. perhaps maharishi chose to
> > break with vedic tradition to be able to exploit it and play out his own
> > ego. i could be a sucker and a fool as much as anyone and i might abuse if
> > given the chance like any other person. tmo however claims that maharishi
> > was beyond mistakes and above law or rather was also the perfect natural law
> > beyond man made law. that makes him and his organization immune? i
> > understand that law is a social structure meant to protect people from
> > abusing each other, as a means to prevent further abuse and punish things
> > like fraud and exploitation. i am held accountable under law for
> > transgressions against law if say if i speed or profit from a scam, of
> > course only if i get caught. maharishi moved to holland to avoid getting
> > caught. i don't feel victimized per-say, just duped and i have a problem
> > with any lying that results in financial gain for some and loss for others,
> > for harm and loss done or caused with ulterior motive or otherwise. i
> > believe in punishment where it is due and retribution, justice. i think it
> > is fraud to make unsubstantiated claims for profit. maybe consumers are too
> > responsible and unprotected from this kind of situation in our society, just
> > add a disclaimer to your claims and let the ignorant become stupid for your
> > gain, they are stupid anyway!? well i think a citizen can sue in court and i
> > wonder if a lot of people would join together in a suit. tmo in my opinion
> > has abused many and deserves to be checked and punished by many, by law.
> > nature already punished maharishi with disease and failure and an untimely
> > death, and what is wrong with us serving justice with a suit? i think the
> > student loan system in general reflects our corrupt economic system and
> > profits bankers and wealthy at the expense of the general population.
> > maharishi seems to have justified exploitation for his touted superior cause
> > like many before him and used this student system to the fullest. i think
> > maharishi must have the record for bailouts as none of his programs and
> > claims ever worked yet people gave him billions. aren't tm, tmo and mum
> > promoting religious beliefs in the name of science -at least according to
> > some previous court cases. i owe a ton of money in student loans and
> > attended mum for eight years before i realized i was living like a religious
> > zealot. in retrospect i would have never attended mum or learned tm if it it
> > wasn't promoted and couched in the context of science. am i a fool who
> > bought a bait and switch hindu paradigm that had an official yet disclaimed
> > science tag on it!? isn't it true that maharishi teaches tm teachers to lie
> > to learners for their own good about the puja etc. well how about putting
> > complaints to action through law and perhaps reforming the tmo,
> > purification, progress anyone. 
> > It seems to me that the TM Movement/MUM are changing more rapidly now that
> > at any time in their history. There are some good, sensible people in high
> > positions, who no doubt still have to contend with others less good and
> > sensible than they, but progress is evident. David Lynch's program seems to
> > be doing a lot of good. A large percentage of the MUM student body won't
> > tolerate cultish BS and are demanding and getting change. Dress codes have
> > relaxed. Group meditations are no longer mandatory. Some faculty, at least
> > visiting faculty, aren't even meditators. There's a thriving ecology
> > program. In many classes there are deep, skeptical discussions of concepts
> > that were once taught as gospel truth. And most significant of all, many
> > students are experiencing significant, abiding Awakenings. So change is
> > afoot. There is much yet to change, but something good is happening here in
> > FF.
> >
> Pretty much the only thing I would disagree with that Rick reports upon is 
> that "group meditations are no longer mandatory".
> Well, when were they ever?  What I mean is: TM is an internal mental process 
> and if you don't want to meditate, no one can force you to.
> And since the raison d'etre of the university IS transcendental meditation, I 
> believe that if you're in a class and it's time for group meditation then, 
> yes, it is required to be there and, yes, close your eyes.  And of course it 
> is entirely up to you -- as it has always been -- whether you participate or 
> not.

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