--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > But here's where the "science" comes in. Several times
> > on this forum I have suggested an experiment that, 
> > given my last-time-I-studied-it-back-in-high-school 
> > knowledge of physics, would prove one way or another 
> > whether the "flying" in Yogic Flying is due to anything 
> > other than muscle exertion.
> Except that it would be an attempt to disprove a straw
> man, which isn't very scientific.
> Nobody denies muscular exertion is involved, at least
> these days.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > But here's where the "science" comes in. Several times
> > on this forum I have suggested an experiment that, 
> > given my last-time-I-studied-it-back-in-high-school 
> > knowledge of physics, would prove one way or another 
> > whether the "flying" in Yogic Flying is due to anything 
> > other than muscle exertion.
> Except that it would be an attempt to disprove a straw
> man, which isn't very scientific.
> Nobody denies muscular exertion is involved, at least
> these days.

Don't they? How are we supposed to progress from stage 1
(hopping) to stage 2 (floating) if some sort of extra
gravity defying process isn't involved? In his 'physics 
of yogic flying' lecture Hagelin claims that the normal 
run of events from the quantum level upwards that gives 
us what we call reality, with it's tendency for things to
obey what appear to be immutable laws but are in fact 
statistical probabilites, can be changed to favour things
that appear miraculous if you are operating from a level
beyond which gravity has it's effects.

I think we have to assume that he believes this, or is at
least happy to be on record trying to convince others to 
believe it. So I think it should be put to the test. A set
up like Barry's idea would do fine, it may not answer the 
quantum question (which I think is BS of course) but it 
would be interesting to see if anything unusual at all is 
happening. If they were really interested in what science
can do for the age of enlightenment they would be doing 
just this. If they havn't already. I remember someone in
the TMO saying that attempts to measure brainwaves while
hopping are fatally flawed because the sudden movement has 
a much larger effect on measured activity than doing the 
sutra, so how than can claim that maximum coherence is
achieved at lift off is beyond me.

The bottom line then is whether or not anything unexplainable
is happening and they should be looking at it. Unless they
don't have the confidence in the technique........

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