         Whereas  Jay Latham's "Galaxy of Fire" apparently profusely praises 
Jerry Jarvis, it is more than a tad deceptive to quote Latham's book 
immediately after extensively identifying down to the ISBN, "Thirty Years 
around the World".  

Please identify the page numbers of "Thirty Years around the World" that 
support the idea that the TMO acknowledged Jerry Jarvis.  

- Mainstream

(Judy wrote:) 
> > > Maybe, but he was also *excluded*--persona non grata.

(Willy wrote:)
> Maybe you're thinking of Deepak Chopra?

(Curtis wrote:) 
> > He was written out of the movement's first history books 
> > for Shiva's sake!  As if SIMS had never existed.

(Willy wrote:)
> Maybe so, but not in this early Maharishi history:
> 'Thirty Years Around the World'
> Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment - Volume 1 1957 - 1964
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
> MVU Press, Netherlands, 1986
> No. 1008 ISBN 90 71750 01 9
> Hardback. Gold gilt edge. 600 p.
> Illustrated. Appendix. Index.
> Read more:
> "This was a great time for TM. Maharishi had a fantastic 
> organization in the States. Jerry Jarvis was our national 
> leader and, in my opinion, the most popular leader in the 
> history of the TM movement other than Maharishi. Under 
> Jerry were four regional coordinators. Charlie Donahue was 
> in charge of the Eastern USA. Bobby Lee ran the South. 
> Stan Crowe and Bill Witherspoon headed up the Midwest and 
> Western states. Under them were state coordinators and 
> regional lecturers such as John Shaw and Larry Kutt, two 
> personal friends of mine. We were one well-coordinated, 
> motivated, successful group, coast-to-coast. 
> The result of this organization was that more than one 
> million people started TM in the United States by the end 
> of the seventies. Under the leadership of Maharishi, 
> Jerry Jarvis and the four regional coordinators, around 
> forty thousand people per month were starting TM, making 
> the American TM organization the most successful of all 
> the countries teaching TM in the world..."
> Work cited:
> "Galaxy of Fire"
> by Jay Latham
> Sunstar, 2000
> p. 219-220.

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