The word is marana  - death causing.

Hindi speakers like to drop the last syllable if it is an *a*.

Just remember it as *mrita/amrita*- mortal/immortal.

This word is contain in many mantras along with *phat*, the

so-called weapon bija, used to burn away dross and the armor

mantra *hum* (hoom/hoong).

--- In, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> Bhairitu:
> > This is how siddhis are used in my tantric tradition.
> > For example we learn the maran siddhis to help someone
> > who has supposedly had a maran spell cast on them...
> >
> That makes a lot of sense - casting a 'spell' on someone
> who has had a spell cast upon them. A spell to get rid
> of a spell. Yes, that's the ticket. Now, if you could
> only learn to spell!
> maran:
> Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Search Results
> No entries found.

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