--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> TurqoiseB:
> > People who have consistently beaten her socks
> > off in debates would be 'way up there in the
> > rankings...
> >
> Can you be specific, and point us to the debate 
> where Judy 'got her socks' beat off in a debate? 
> Was that the debate on <alt.religion.gnostic> 
> about the Cathars and the Gnostics? 
> You are joking, right? The Cathars are derived 
> from the Gnostics! LOL!
> Subject: Re: Emperor's New Clothes
> Author: Judy Stein
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic, 
> alt.meditation.transcendental
> Date: October 18, 2003
> http://tinyurl.com/y9fd6lm

This page has no posts from me concerning the
debate about Cathars and Gnostics in which Barry
got his socks beat off (which was accomplished
by the Gnostics on the forum, not me; I beat his
socks off in several other debates in that forum,
but those posts aren't on the page you cite).

In general, you need to learn how to find the
URL for a specific post in the Google archives.
You typically give the URL for the page on which
the post appears, but unlike on Yahoo! Groups,
there are many posts per page from everyone who
is participating in a particular conversation
(and often many pages thereof).

To find the URL for a single post, you need to
find it on the page, then click "More Options"
at the top right of the post, and then "Individual
Message." That will give you a new page containing
*just* that post; its URL is the one you want.

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