> Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
> He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
> fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
> tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.
t. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, 
which is struggling financially.

I went last nite too.  The woo-woo was a nice shaktipat.

Yep, the talk part was a lot thick.  But he is sticking to his guns in what he 
has to say.  This is modern spirituality he is unfurling stripped of folklore 
mythology.  Like Yogananda and Maharishi in mission and ministry before him in 
sequence bringing science in to it.
 Mr. Trivedi's a very powerful emitter and healer in his way, like Christ was.

I found the shaktipat balancing and florescent of the chakras systems.  Was 
clearing or energizing of
the energetics of the subtle systems housing one's soul in the anatomy.  

Obviously created more visceral spaciousness within the subtle energetics of 
the body-mind complex.  He is really good.  Was an ultimately spiritual healing 
that way in addition to some aches and pains leaving.  

A pretty capable shaktipat.  Pretty reasonable for $15 per person in a group.  
In watching the show, is exciting to see him get going in the secular modern 
spirituality expression.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-Buck in Fairfield       

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