--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sun...@...> wrote:
> the Daniel suicide deal was going to cycle back to some more 
> common sense thinking, it seems to be taking off in the other 
> direction. This tribute by Radhika Schwartz (no relation to Dan) 
> on BATGAP is so far off base(in my opinion) that I'm just at a 
> loss for words. I'm going with Feste's succinct analysis of the 
> whole situation.

I don't remember feste's "succinct analysis," but 
mine is, "These people are fuckin' NUTS." See for


There is a passage in this that really strikes me,
because as I said at the beginning of this week,
my fascination is with the *assumptions* that 
spiritual seekers assume are true, and then base 
their lives on and never challenge again. Let's
analyze what the *assumption* is in this passage:

"Daniel made that same pact [give me liberation or I'll kill 
myself] He said over and over , I have done everything in 
my power, everything I know how to do to free myself from 
suffering, from the bonds that are holding me. from this 
sense of separation ,which is unbearable . Nothing matters 
to me except freedom. I cant live this way anymore. I am 
not just saying this. either give me freedom or I will 
end my life."

What is the "lack of freedom" being spoken of here?

Am I wrong in thinking it's LIVING?

If this is true, and not just some story that this twif
thought up, the person saying this or thinking this has
become convinced that LIVING and having an identity is
"suffering." The only thing the person can conceive of
as non-suffering is (IMO, trying to interpret) the
state of total transcendence, with nothing left but
Self. Anything else is "unbearable."

I'm sorry, but that's crazy talk. It even contradicts 
*Maharishi's* teachings, and this twif is trying to 
glorify it. This is the ultimate nihilism of "the drop 
returns to the ocean" personified. Someone who is being 
represented as feeling that he is "suffering" because 
some part of him remains human is being presented as
if he was *onto something*.

Remember, Daniel is being presented by people as having
been somewhat "realized," or having achieved at least
some aspect of enlightenment. And we're to believe that
he perceived *THIS* as "suffering?" And all because he
still had a LIFE, and could walk around and breathe
and interact with the world?

The fascinating thing for me is that the twif who said
this probably thinks it's inspiring. I'm thinking she's 
fuckin' NUTS.

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