--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> I do still experience a certain degree of suffering when
> I allow myself to get caught up in a polarity, like I'm
> doing with the issue of Dan's suicide. I think what he
> did was a horrible, cruel, ignoble, selfish act... a
> giant "Fuck You!" to the whole community

Alex, might I suggest that while some in the community
may feel that they've been fucked by Daniel's suicide,
that feeling is *theirs*, and was not necessarily 
Daniel's intention?

I didn't know Daniel and am not part of the community,
so I can't speak to any of this directly. But I do recall
very vividly having felt suicidal many years ago, pre-TM,
when I experienced clinical depression for some months.

Those suicidal feelings were as "selfish" as it's possible
to have, but they involved zero anger toward or desire to
take revenge on anybody. There was no question in my mind
that I was 100 percent responsible for my own pain, as well
as for my weakness in being unable to tolerate that pain,
such that all I wanted was some way to end it.

I was incredibly fortunate that the depression, whatever
had caused it (not even my therapists could figure it out),
lifted in relatively short order and never recurred. If it
had been more prolonged, I might well not be here today.

Again, I have no idea whether that was Daniel's situation,
but unless he explicitly *said* he intended his suicide
as a "Fuck You!" to the community, it may not make sense
to assume that he did as if it were established fact.

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