The very same thing is what jumped out for me. As I see it, from the 
perspective of "Waking Down Brand Second Birth Awakening", having awoken to my 
ocean nature makes being a wave/drop a WHOLE lot more fun and easier to deal 
with. Like Adyashanti describes it, it's a very peaceful, quiet freedom. For 
me, it's such a huge relief that I can't comprehend someone thinking it's not 
good enough. 

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > the Daniel suicide deal was going to cycle back to some more 
> > common sense thinking, it seems to be taking off in the other 
> > direction. This tribute by Radhika Schwartz (no relation to Dan) 
> > on BATGAP is so far off base(in my opinion) that I'm just at a 
> > loss for words. I'm going with Feste's succinct analysis of the 
> > whole situation.
> I don't remember feste's "succinct analysis," but 
> mine is, "These people are fuckin' NUTS." See for
> yourself:
> There is a passage in this that really strikes me,
> because as I said at the beginning of this week,
> my fascination is with the *assumptions* that 
> spiritual seekers assume are true, and then base 
> their lives on and never challenge again. Let's
> analyze what the *assumption* is in this passage:
> "Daniel made that same pact [give me liberation or I'll kill 
> myself] He said over and over , I have done everything in 
> my power, everything I know how to do to free myself from 
> suffering, from the bonds that are holding me. from this 
> sense of separation ,which is unbearable . Nothing matters 
> to me except freedom. I cant live this way anymore. I am 
> not just saying this. either give me freedom or I will 
> end my life."
> What is the "lack of freedom" being spoken of here?
> Am I wrong in thinking it's LIVING?
> If this is true, and not just some story that this twif
> thought up, the person saying this or thinking this has
> become convinced that LIVING and having an identity is
> "suffering." The only thing the person can conceive of
> as non-suffering is (IMO, trying to interpret) the
> state of total transcendence, with nothing left but
> Self. Anything else is "unbearable."
> I'm sorry, but that's crazy talk. It even contradicts 
> *Maharishi's* teachings, and this twif is trying to 
> glorify it. This is the ultimate nihilism of "the drop 
> returns to the ocean" personified. Someone who is being 
> represented as feeling that he is "suffering" because 
> some part of him remains human is being presented as
> if he was *onto something*.
> Remember, Daniel is being presented by people as having
> been somewhat "realized," or having achieved at least
> some aspect of enlightenment. And we're to believe that
> he perceived *THIS* as "suffering?" And all because he
> still had a LIFE, and could walk around and breathe
> and interact with the world?
> The fascinating thing for me is that the twif who said
> this probably thinks it's inspiring. I'm thinking she's 
> fuckin' NUTS.

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