--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> > > Having discipline (as in attending to things) in spiritual 
> > > practice.
> > 
> > Who is more "disciplined" in their spiritual practice,
> > Buck -- the person who believes that spiritual practice
> > is limited to meditation, going to the domes or to visit
> > the occasional saint and stuff like that, or the person
> > who believes that everything he or she does all day,
> > every day, no matter how insignificant or mundane, is 
> > part of his or her spiritual practice?
> Well yes, is all part of the experience and the practice of 
> discernment has a lot to do with the spin of the subtle 
> spiritual system of the soul. I should suspect that science 
> will show it too in time as they would look further in to 
> spirituality.  Like seeing the neuro-physiology of sin also 
> by contrast with with what they are finding as the physiology 
> of spiritual practices.  In the science as it is in the 
> experience.  That contrast might well teach you to repent 
> your ways if the scriptural advice won't.


I ignored this when you first posted it, because it
seemed to be Yet Another Example Of You Parroting
Someone Else's Ideas And Using Them As A Putdown,
While Acting Out The Role Of Wannabe Guru. But on 
the heels of my post about "faith," I'm going to 
give a response a shot, to see if there is anything 
"in there" in "Buck" that *isn't* a parrot, and can
still think on its own, without the crutch of either
"scripture" or "Gurusez." 

The point I was making that you responded to with
a putdown is that your whole position (which I think
everyone realizes isn't really "your" position but
one that has been told to you that you have bought
into as some kind of "truth") is based on duality, 
on separation, and most importantly, on *rejection*. 

You seem to believe that there are some behaviors
that *in themselves* are "bad" or "lesser" than 
other behaviors, or that are "less evolved" than
some other behaviors. And that one has to "discrim-
inate" to *reject* these behaviors and actions. 

I do not believe this. Instead, I believe that there 
are very few actions that are de facto less than life-
supporting (the taking of life being one of them), 
and that prudish, reject-the-pleasures-of-the-world 
pseudoseekers such as yourself (or at the very least, 
such as your act recently) tend to waste a great deal 
of time and energy rejecting the "small shit," and in 
so doing reject much of the joy of life itself.

So I'm calling you on your holier-than-thou bullshit.
I want you to spell out in no uncertain terms *which*
actions you imagine me to be performing that fall 
into the category of something I should "repent" 
and abandon. Drop the innuendo and get real.

Then I want you to spell out, in equally precise
terms, the actions you feel are "better" or "more
evolved." Don't just invoke some vague, unspecified
notion of "spiritual practice," define the mother-
fucker. Tell us *exactly* what you imagine a 
"spiritual practice" to be.

And then I want you to give *reasons* for why you
included the things you include in each category. 
These reasons cannot include "Someone or some 
scripture said so." 

Think you're up to it? 

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