--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > You seem to believe that there are some behaviors
> > > that *in themselves* are "bad" or "lesser" than 
> > > other behaviors, or that are "less evolved" than
> > > some other behaviors. And that one has to "discrim-
> > > inate" to *reject* these behaviors and actions. 
> > > 
> > > I do not believe this. Instead, I believe that there 
> > > are very few actions that are de facto less than life-
> > > supporting (the taking of life being one of them), 
> > > and that prudish, reject-the-pleasures-of-the-world 
> > > pseudoseekers such as yourself (or at the very least, 
> > > such as your act recently) tend to waste a great deal 
> > > of time and energy rejecting the "small shit," and in 
> > > so doing reject much of the joy of life itself.
> Dear Turq,
> It is pretty simple.  By experience I agree with Yogananda 
> and Maharishi on this and I would disagree with you.  

So you "invoke authority" rather than deal with my
challenge to think for yourself. Your call.

> In my experience you are wrong on it.  There is bad behavior and
> I would agree with the supreme court, "You know it when you see 
> it".  Individual and also communal.

So you place yourself on *exactly* the same level as 
the people in the Course Office you rail against so
often, who "know it when they see it" when passing
our or revoking dome badges. 

It's not OK when they do it, but it's OK when you do
it. I get it now. Thanks for replying.

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