So, you watched a nice fishing movie on your laptop 
Saturday night.

> I was drawn to this film because it stars Colin Farrell. 
> I am a Colin Farrell fanboy of sorts, and will watch any-
> thing he's in because he's so consistently good in a wide
> range of roles. What I didn't notice until the credits 
> started rolling is that it's written and directed by Neil
> Jordan ("Mona Lisa," "The Crying Game," "Michael Collins,"
> and the upcoming TV series "The Borgias"). Cool, thought
> I when I saw his name, but then I thought, "Oh shit...this
> is probably going to be a heavy movie, and I was in the
> mood for a light one." I could not have been more wrong.
> This is a light one. Yeah, there are a few tads of reality
> thrown in, like Colin Farrell's ex-alcoholic fisherman 
> character's daughter having kidney failure and unable to
> find a transplant donor. And there's the reality of being
> a divorced recovering drunk in a fishing town in Ireland, 
> where the only relief from the tedium is the local pub. 
> But this is background stuff, used as a screen against 
> which to show a very different kind of movie, a fantasy 
> about what things could be as opposed to what they are.
> One day at sea, Colin Farrell's character is reeling in his
> nets and finds a girl in them. At first he thinks she's dead,
> but then she comes to life. She the most beautiful woman he
> has ever seen. And she says that she doesn't know who she
> is or what her name is. She doesn't want to go to a hospital,
> and doesn't even want to see any other humans...only him. So
> he allows her to live in his Mother's old house while wait-
> ing for her to become less mysterious. Instead, she becomes
> even more mysterious, enough that both he and his daughter
> start to actually believe that she's a Selkie, a kind of
> Scottish mermaid. 
> Whether she is or not is not really the crux of the movie.
> It's the chemistry between Colin Farrell and Alicja Bachleda,
> one of the most beautiful and talented new actresses I've 
> seen in quite some time. And the chemistry between both
> of them and Alison Barry as the daughter. 
> "Ondine" is a very sweet, uplifting mythic fantasy romance, 
> the last thing you might expect from either Colin Farrell or
> Neil Jordan. You'll be singing the Selkie's song long after
> seeing it. I watched it twice in two days, because I could
> not get that song out of my head. 

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