--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfreak@> wrote:
> >
> > Willy, I'd say about 99% of yours begin with the word "So," 
> > followed by some inane piece of SillyWilly-crazed "logic" 
> > that to everyone here comes off as a desperate troll for 
> > attention.
> > 
> > I don't have a lot of time on my hands to spend wandering 
> > around every post on FFL. However, when moved, I do post, 
> > generally about music. 
> > 
> > I can go away from FFL for months at a time. When I drop 
> > back in, two things, like death and taxes, are givens: Judy 
> > will be obsessing about Barry, and you'll be writing something 
> > along the lines of:
> > 
> > "So, you believe that pedophilia is OK for everyone. You're not 
> > making any sense today. You need to get some smarts since you 
> > sound real angry from the waxing that bla-bla gave you yesterday.
> > 
> > Go Figure"
> > 
> > You call these your "favorite phrases". Dude, I'm sorry to inform 
> > you....these are your ONLY phrases.
> > 
> > I completely understand why Curtis bailed. He was bored to death.
> It is worth pointing out that with regard to one 
> of these "death and taxes" inevitabilities, when
> I was off enjoying Paris for a few days instead
> of reading or writing to FFL, she could think of
> almost nothing to say.

Translation: The only posts of mine Barry actually
*notices* are those that are about him. If they're
about anything else--like, say, the oil spill in the
Gulf--they're "nothing," of no consequence.


(Notice that Joe's post was about WillyTex and
mentioned me only in passing in the middle of the
post, but Barry was so focused on that passing
mention he simply referred to me as "she.")

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