--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Ya know that Edg has reached the bottom of his
> already-small intellectual barrel when he has to
> try the "shame the ex-pat for running away from
> his country" routine.  :-)
> Anyone who still identifies with nationalism and
> thinks of themselves in terms of loyalty to the
> patch of dirt they were born on and the glory of
> staying on it deserves the life they get. Others
> travel, and identify only with what travels with
> them -- their selves and the Self.

And still others travel to *escape* the self, never
allowing themselves to recognize that the misery that
drives them to seek refuge in one country after
another is a function of *who* they are rather than
*where* they are.

Such people tend to move compulsively from place to
place, never finding satisfaction in where they plant
themselves, never able to put down roots *because*
the unhappiness of their self travels with them. You
can usually identify this type of perennial traveler
by the way they trash wherever they came from in an
attempt to convince themselves they have good reason
to be constantly on the move.

> If one were to treat their pronouncements as some
> kind of rule or truism, then Edg Duveyoung and 
> Judy Stein and Willytex -- the ones who have so
> often repeated this tired old misplaced jealousy
> of those who got the hell out of Dodge

See, one of Barry's Rules is that criticism of
anything he does is due to Jealousy. (Not sure what
"misplaced jealousy" is. If the purported jealousy
is indeed misplaced, it must be because there isn't
anything in Barry's life to be jealous *of*. I smell
a Freudian slip here, but let's set that aside for

As with all the rest of Barry's Rules, it applies only
to others, never to him. Thus his "shame those who don't
run away from their country" routine cannot possibly be
due to Jealousy of those who never found living in the
land of their birth so uncomfortable they had to leave
it permanently.

> As input for those of the Edg-Judy-Willytex School
> of Just Stay Put And Glory In Being American as an
> excuse for why they're too lazy to see the rest of
> the world and experience what it might be like to
> live there,

Oooopsie. Lived in Munich for a year when I was
younger, traveled all over Europe. Loved it. May do
it again after I retire. Won't likely *stay* abroad;
I like it here too, and I have roots here that I

But I've never "gloried in being American" any more
than I would ever "glory in being an expat and
constantly trashing my native country" the way Barry

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