Indeed. The whole Obama birther thing is a great litmus test for intelligence.

At this stage of the game, those who still buy into this fantasy might as well 
be carrying "I'm An Idiot" placards around. Much of this birther bullshit is 
just coded racism. Same with those who blather on about "wanting their country 

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> >
> > Funny you should bring this up. A few weeks ago Michelle
> > referred to her  husband as a Kenyan and in April  as
> > having gone to her husband's home country, Kenya.
> Right, that Michelle, they really need to keep her from
> speaking in public so she doesn't spill the beans.
> <guffaw>
> Think you could be just a little more gullible, Mike?
> Hasn't it occurred to you that if Obama wasn't born in
> the U.S., the chances of her saying so in public are
> exactly ZERO?
> Where did you hear this? Glenn? Rush? Hannity? Let's
> see the full quote in context, please, with its original
> source.
> > Maybe we can have these accusations finally cleared up in
> > 2012
> They were "cleared up" a LONG time ago. He was born in
> Hawaii.
> <snip>
> > From: brian64705 <>
> >
> > Very good documentary on the Obama birth question
> >
> Brian, read this:

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