--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Your first problem was pointing to the tacky looking
> WorldReports website put together by eccentric right
> leaning individuals.  Would have been better to post
> the original source material which are more difficult
> to for the curmudgeons here to refute.

For the record, I never said I had any problem with the
Bloomberg piece itself. I've seen nothing that would
lead me to even try to refute it. It was the commentary
by the guy who runs the Web site that quoted the article
that I was objecting to.

And I'd suggest claiming back in 2008 that Hank Paulson
had been assassinated qualifies the dude as a bit more
than merely "eccentric." Reputable bloggers, when they
make a claim that turns out to have been false--
especially if it was *wildly* false--post a correction.
The page claiming the Paulson assassination has no such
correction; rather, it rails against those who challenge
the site's accuracy.

> Even some on the left have tacky looking websites.

I've never seen a lefty site that looked quite *that*
tacky, actually.

> When I find such items on web pages I know will bring
> hackles from the peanut gallery about the "messenger" 
> the solution is often a click away at the top of the
> article which contains a link to the original.

That's what *I* suggested to Brian, that he cite the
Bloomberg piece itself rather than the Story Web site.
Apparently you didn't read my posts very carefully.

(BTW, I'd have to go back to his site to check, but I'm
not sure Story *himself* gave a link to the Bloomberg

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