Can you say, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

I knew you could.

I'm sure you and Barry will be very happy together.

<belly laugh>

(For the record, I'm not and never have been a "press
rep for the Maha," paid or otherwise.)

--- In, "Don Miller" <pod1...@...> wrote:
> Being a new person and not knowing or caring about any of this or the real 
> issues behind it all, and not giving a rat's ass to study any of it, I would 
> like to venture my unbiased feelings.  None of this is written as a joke.  If 
> I make a joke it is usually just a one-liner and pertainate.
> That is a very good observation about self importance Barry, that self 
> importance blinds each one of us from seeing the world clearly and 
> innocently, depending on how much we cling to it.  Of course you could still 
> be guilty of everything that Judy accuses you of, and of the beliefs that 
> others accuse you of.
> My intuition is that in spite of any false beliefs that you may or may not 
> hold, and in spite of any supposed sins, your energy body is the most clear 
> and untangled here of regular posters, and that is reflected in a certain 
> verbal agility.  Have another orange juice.
> The energy body of Judy is an absolute mess, aside from the voracity or lack 
> thereof of her statements.  She may be right or she may be wrong, but her 
> defensiveness and revealing of a huge ego are way out of proportion and 
> blocking her from seeing the forest from herself.  At least two major fiber 
> bundles wrap up and over her right shoulder and reach all the way around to 
> her back, indicating a rigid and blind adherence to a belief system.  I would 
> not want to be in her position as a press rep for the Maha, no matter how 
> much they paid me, because of all the negative attention stirred up by so 
> many people whacky people, who are themselves a total mess, and this can 
> wreak havoc on the energy body.  
> On the other hand if the person has such a major challenge and difficulty in 
> life, and overcomes it, then it can be the making of the finest tempered 
> warrior spirit, par excellance.  But I would not wish such difficulty on 
> myself, even if there was great payoff in coming out stronger.
> But first of all Judy, you need to take some immediate action to put your 
> energy body in order.  I'll let you know if I come up with anything you 
> should do, but I think it involves water.  Perhaps meditating in a warm pool 
> once in a while would do it.  (Opps!!! That would be off the program!!)
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Gonna take another hit at this one because it's so
> > > utterly despicable.
> > 
> > In the above, replace "Gonna" with "Gotta."
> > Predictable.  :-)
> > 
> > All I'm sayin' is that there are only two 
> > people on FFL who repeat the phrase "Go 
> > back and read my posts on alt.m.t." as if
> > it were a holy mantra, and as if there were
> > some perceived benefit for other people 
> > in doing this. Those two people are Judy
> > Stein and Willytex.
> > 
> > Both trot out their past, and the imagined
> > importance of it, the way some people show
> > off photos of their kids. It's like "my 
> > posts on alt.m.t. and FFL" is a line item
> > on their CV.
> > 
> > And the only line item.
> > 
> > Andrew Skolnick, whatever his occasional
> > excesses, could point to any number of real
> > achievements and awards as his CV. Some can
> > point only to a series of posts made to two
> > obscure Internet forums read at any given
> > time in history by fewer than 100 people as 
> > if they are not only accomplishments, but 
> > *such* accomplishments that the authors feel 
> > that other people should "go back and read 
> > them" over and over and over. 
> > 
> > Just sayin'...doncha get the feeling some-
> > times that *they* go back and read their
> > own posts over and over and over, the way
> > other old people pull out photos of their
> > kids or look at the awards on their mantle-
> > pieces over and over and over and feel all
> > nostalgic for the glorious past? It's not
> > the "lost in the past" thang that strikes
> > me as odd, merely the utter insignificance 
> > of the past they're lost in.
> > 
> > Add to this the INTENT of literally every
> > such call to "go back and read my posts" --
> > an attempt to diss someone and get others
> > to "pile on" and join in dissing them --
> > and IMO you've got a couple of exemplary
> > examples of the 30-year benefits of the
> > TM technique. A legacy to be proud of.
> >

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