--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> > Barry's referring to a bunch of quotes I'd posted 
> > of Andrew taking shots at Barry, because they were 
> > pretty funny...
> >
> They sure were - Barry 'Shoki' wasn't ready for the
> Assholenick! 

Oh, heck, I think I'll post them again just for the fun
of it, for those who missed them the first time around.

Bear in mind as you read: My posting the quotes from
Andrew's posts below, according to Barry, was such a dastardly "attempt at 
defamation" that it compared in
"tactics and intent" to emailing Andrew's employers
copies of his alt.m.t postings in an attempt to get
him fired--and therefore I must have been the guilty
party in the latter case.

What was so hysterically funny about Barry and Andrew's
exchanges that each had instantly recognized the other
for the fraud he was. What's so delicious about it *now*
is that it makes it very difficult to support both of
the two phonies in their respective crusades against
their common TMer "enemies"--because if you support one,
you are automatically dissing the other.

Andrew wrote:


Shoki, whose name is Barry Wright, is a disciple of Fred
Lenz, a.k.a. Zen Master Rama. Quite a number of former
followers are publicly claiming that Lenz victimized them
financially, psychologically -- and in some cases sexually.
So I'm not surprised that shoki insists blame should
remain with the victim. Such a view serves his Master.


Since I strongly suspect this vitriol comes from a hired
gun, who's purpose is to discredit critics of cults on
the Internet, I take the above insults as flattering
encouragement. Obviously my postings have struck home or
else schlocki wouldn't be all over me like a hunger-
crazed deerfly....

Schloki, is anyone paying you to slink along the Internet
and post libelous attacks on anyone who dares to criticize
cult-like groups? I see a pattern here, a pattern that
would be hard to explain in the absence of a financial


Let's look at the real motiviation for his hateful postings:
This character, who goes under the pseudonym of shoki and
refuses to identify himself, was a long-time devotee of
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He became disillusioned and left.
I'm told he went off to follow another guru.

Now he's come back to haunt the TM newsgroup, claiming he's
now neither for or against TM. This is what I suspect:
Shoki's an egomaniac. He wants to be worshipped. He's here
hoping to recruit a following. He now knows there's no future
in being a guru groupie. Wealth and power only flows uphill
to where the guru sits.

Like a vulture, he senses his former guru, Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, is frail and soon to become *immortal* by dying,
leaving his followers in turmoil and dismay. So he's come
back to perch and wait while trying to win over TM lurkers
who are growing increasingly disillusioned (after all,
the Maharishi isn't flying all about the skies as they thought
he would -- he can barely hobble around the room on his own).

Now let's listen to how well shoki thinks he's doing with
part of his game plan:

[quoting Barry:]

> How I chose to deal with it is admittedly juvenile, but
> effective. I let others debate him head-to-head on his points;
> they are good at it, he is good at it. The result seems
> a wash, and fails to make the point I wanted to make, that he
> is _heavily_ and very emotionally involved in this issue, to
> the point of it being an obsession. So I absolutely refuse
> to take him seriously, and to continue to prod him and poke
> fun at him whenever possible. His replies, like the one
> above, tend to reveal more of his true motivations than do his
> canned posts to the newsgroups he cultivates his reputation on.

The amazing thing about shoki, is that you can play him like a
kazoo and he thinks he's the one making the music.

As James Randi often says, hucksters are like rubber ducks.
You just can't sink them. They keep popping back up. The best
we can do is get others to laugh at them. I hope others are
enjoying shoki's toots and hee haws as much as I am. ;-)


[Andrew to Barry:]
Speaking of looking sane, is it true that some guy posed
as a woman admirer of yours on the Internet and buttered
you upside and down with things to flatter your ego and that
you wound up spilling you guts to her.. I mean him? Tell me
that that's not true, shoki baby. Because if it's true, ...
Oh, God -- what a pathetic boob that would make you. I'd
have to start feeling sorry for you and treat you with more
kindness ;-) Tell me it ain't so, shoki. Tell me it ain't so.

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