--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "pod127b" <pod1...@...> wrote:

> > Tools to what end?
> >
> It is a very multiple purpose tool.
> Here are a few tried and proven uses-
> 1)Improve your martial arts skills
> 2)Better navigate through a herd of people
> 3)Be able to separate nuts from bolts faster
> 4)Experience life more intensely in a short period of time
> 5)Endure pain in order to run far, or to have your teeth drilled without
> Novocain
> 6)Better enjoy the subtleties of eating a fresh mango
> 7)To appreciate the life experience at ALL moments, but remain clear and
> ruthless enough to change course at any moment in accord with the
> dictates of a refined link with one's own spirit.

Good so far, besides I think 6) is totally overrated. I had enough of mangos 
for the moment.
> But come on, you already know about all this.  

I think more or less, but in a different way-

Maybe you have never
> experienced it? Maybe not.    My various ways of perceiving reality do
> not make me superior, and for each seeming added benefit there is a loss
> in some other aspect.  For instance, if you compress time, the ability
> to remember diminishes.

Yes? But it does happen, at least to me at the moment, time gets compressed 
quite a bit.
> My posts are not written to those who don't understand me, because they
> likely never will.  I have no interest in arguing or debating anything
> or putting anyone down.  There are VERY few people who will understand
> me, or be able to add to my awareness.  What I write about are already
> well established modes of consciousness on my part and I am not looking
> for verification or argument.
> My posts are written to those who have experienced similar things, to
> reflect and compare the experience.   I am not a proponent of spiritual
> teaching, or learning.  I have no time for that.  Even with a thousand
> lifetimes I still have no time for that.
> If you are right for yoga and self sacrifice and discipline, then you
> are already strange, and half way to being a yogi.  

I like your choice of words, quite honestly, even though a word like self 
sacrifice is not very TMish

You were probably
> like that as a child too, strange that is.  So far I have only found a
> few points of reflection in this group, and will soon return to my other
> activities.  Do you know first hand what I have been writing about?  Do
> you know personally any of the people whom I have mentioned?
> Things like yoga and TM are not for everyone, just like Don Krieger
> pointed out in something I just read on the internet.  I knew Don
> Krieger personally and he is an example of how some people will never
> get it, and more important, NEVER be satisfied, no matter how much time
> and effort they "invest". 

I don't know Don Krieger.

 I love everyone but that guy was such a
> hemorrhoid.  If he reads this then I suggest he find peace within
> himself as a hemorrhoid.  Maybe he is different, but I doubt it, because
> it would seem that he does not want to take responsibility for his own
> actions and his place in life.
> I am not interested in changing the TMO because people don't want to
> take responsibility for themselves, for their belief systems.  

I am not involved in the TMO at present, and I have no interest at all in any 
discussions about it, or about things that are 30+ years back.

There are
> so many whiners in the world, and I piss on them for a brief moment, and
> then quickly move on to the things at hand.  Life in the present moment
> is like that.  No whining, no regrets, no incrimination, no argument,
> and very little memory of any of it left behind, just an attitude that
> can pass the test of time.


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