On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:33 AM, wayback71 wrote:

>> I am still on their e-mailing list, but haven't visited the TM center since 
>> the mid-90's, having lost my appetite for any sort of dedicated spiritual 
>> activity with a group - regular old life itself provides more than enough 
>> interest, opportunities and challenges for growth. A relief not having to 
>> deal with all of that anymore. No more us and them, just us. :-)
> Yes, life does offer enough.  I loved much of the stuff about being in or 
> connected to the TMO. But the negatives were not pleasant at all.  I think 
> almost all organizations that are religious or spiritual have major 
> challenges, especially when they are young and trying to get established. 
> There is so much room for fraud and greed and snobbery and manipulation.  The 
> TMO is right in there despite what I perceived as really great people by and 
> large, a fine technique, basically good teachings.  I think second and third 
> generation East-West groups may stand more of a chance of being decent since 
> they can see what to keep and what to try very hard to avoid. The TMO was 
> right there at the beginning, and we were all so young and maleable.  

You really think there is going to be a second and
third generation after us, way?  You don't think
the TMO is on its last gasps?  If so, you could be
right, but I sure wouldn't want to bet the farm on it.


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