> > Yes, I know, but the mechanics is that pure awarenes is
> > there along with focus and activity. That shows that they
> > can co-exist. And remember what i wrote on a previous post
> > today, that MMY taught the puja as a way to maintain PC
> > with activity.
> >
> Same with Yogic Flying. But Yogic Flying and doing puja
> are two specialized practices that are distinct from
> plain-vanilla TM, although based on results previously
> obtained from plain-vanilla TM. I don't think they have
> much relevance to doing japa in activity...
The South Asian practice of "Japa Yoga" is a form of
concentration, the rationale being to divide the mind
into a duality, to *isolate* the Purusha. The practice
involves thoughts to be concentrated on the bija
mantra of one's Ishta Devata.

When the mind is divided, the yogi will realize the total
division of the Purusha from the prakriti and he or 
she will understand the impermanent nature of the 
prakriti, along with all the three gunas. 

Thus the very purpose of Japa Yoga is to "divide the 

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